They will come for you ... They will come!

But you know - once there was a life without a zombie. In the movie mean. This is even hard to imagine, because now it is the love of millions. There were, of course, some pictures in the spirit of the "White Zombie", but it was a local level. And then he came - the maestro of the genre of zombie-movi and brought him joy in many homes. And they still worship him. His name is George Romero. So, "Night of the Living Dead", year 1968.

Yes, 1968 was a significant date for world cinema. It was then that George Romero gave the world the first picture of a massive invasion of the living dead. With a small budget, unpretentious storyline and primitive effects, but this film has won the hearts of millions. Not just because Romero was able to please the thirsty movie fans of the time, but because such a breakthrough would still take place. As they say - "I will not do it - someone else will do it." But the first was George Romero.

Barbra and his brother Johnny come to the cemetery to honor the memory of her deceased father. After a verbal skirmish between the case Johnny utters the phrase, which later became legendary, and marked the beginning of an end for them both and the world as a whole. "They will come for you, Barbra. They will come for you! ". Simple and tasteful. Well, then everything starts to develop according to the canons of the genre, to which we are so used now, and which made a furor then. Usually, the first film gives impetus to the development of the genre. But does not contain all the basics, they are formed gradually, the film after the film, and then they become, as we used to call them - stereotypes, canons of the genre, clichés. A feature of this film is that in it these very foundations of the genre of zombie-movi, immediately formed all and completely. In fact, each subsequent film did not bring anything new to the genre, but only clarified and developed some ideas already laid. Zombies can be killed only by damaging their heads, they walk slowly, eat human meat, do not touch each other and their "curse" is transmitted through bites and scratches to their victims. Here are the basics of the genre and they are all here in this film. And this is also its masterpiece.

The black and white version, unpretentious special effects and wonderful acting play give it a special charm, creating a unique atmosphere of fear and hopelessness (the personification of them was Barbra - shocked and desperate, she withdrew into herself and so she did not leave the film). And, at the same time, the film is saturated with the will to live (hero Duane Jones, as an example of sanity, self-preservation and helping one's neighbor). The task of the other heroes is to show the whole range of feelings that a person experiences in extreme conditions. Selfishness, selflessness, courage, anger, stupidity and much more.

Viewing this masterpiece as a mystery, as if you are witnessing something unimaginable, with a worldwide scale. You sit and are afraid to breathe once more, just to not miss some detail, the smallest trifle. And after watching with reverence and happiness you whisper: "Legend ... A masterpiece ...".

10 of 10


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