American zombies. The very first film about living dead.

The very first film about zombies, living dead, "living" is not under the protection of the sorcerer, but walking on the ground for another reason.

Once upon a time, thirty years before my birth, a film with a terrible name for those days called "Night of the Living Dead" appeared on the screens. It was shot by a certain George Romero, an unknown director at that time. The film caused a public response, its creators were called devil-worshipers, and the film - a call for cruelty. Despite this, the film was not withdrawn from the hire, and, after a few years, he became a legend. George Romero's cult film about living dead is remembered even now, after forty years ...

Brother and sister, Johnny and Barbara, go to the grave of his grandfather, which is quite far from the city. Arriving there in the late evening, they find themselves in the thick of things. Johnny dies at the hands of an unknown man, who drives Barbara into a house on the outskirts of the cemetery. After a while, a black big Ben appears in the house. In the basement, five more people are hiding. Zabarikadivavshis in the house, these completely unfamiliar people begin to resist the forces of evil that surrounded the house.

This is the best movie about zombies! It is a masterpiece! The film is saturated with an atmosphere of cruelty and horror, inspires fear of the viewer and makes him tremble until the final credits. In my opinion, this is the best Romero film. I love this movie, it's beautiful ... The excellent acting of the actors makes this film even better, and Bill Hintzman, who played the role of the world's first zombie, frightens even after watching. In general - a masterpiece. Be sure to watch this movie, be sure!

10 of 10


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