
Well, what can I say? What can you write about the cult film?

However, all the impressions fit into the phrase "cult film" and I'll go, as usual, on the details:

1) Music. In my opinion, thanks to music, the film wins a lot, it's the music that characterizes the old (the times of this film + \ -) ​​horror films and fantastic films. Music captivates and best suits the events (why the current films do not use these developments - it's unclear, in exchange only some kind of Labuda, and heavy music, in my opinion, does not fit into the horror film at all). But these low-frequency cuts in the scenes of pulling human remains from the burned-out car and at the end of the film (in the end, these sortings received some continuation - something like that I remember, tried to incorporate into their music by Necrophagia their keyboardist), undoubtedly, is to be considered a cult melody.

2) Actors and beautiful women. Of all the actors, the most interesting and most appealing to me is Carl Hardman, who played the role of Harry Cooper. The actor really is the one to pay attention to, because the rest do not roll (with the exception, apparently, of Dwayne Jones, who played the role of Ben). Otherwise, the hysterical Barbara is really annoyed with her idiotic behavior and decadent moods, but Helen and, more importantly, Judy brings certain notes of beauty to this zombie barricade of bacchanalia. It's Judy who deserves the closest attention, for a beautiful woman still (it's a pity she starred in only two films - this and the 1971's There's Always Vanilla, and we can no longer see her beauty). Helen is also not deprived of beauty, but Judy does not hold out (although, as you know, everyone has different tastes).

3) Close-ups of the main characters and living dead. Very interesting are close-ups that highlight the faces of the main characters and zombie characters. Truly in black and white horror films, close-ups, unlike color films, fascinate and go to the dignity of the film. And the angles that convey the characteristics of the meal of the living dead, and now can cause some representatives disgust. Zombies themselves at some points can claim the status of "Cult scene with the participation of zombies" (remember those of the Zombie Lucio Fulci, when a person finds on the abandoned boat this very zombie and when the operator removes it in the face when he stretches his arms and the one that - it moo / growls - a truly cult scene (although if you review the movie again, I think you can find more), and the movie The Planet of Vampires Mario Bava - the scene of the awakening of several zombies under some kind of mind-blowing music.

Perhaps, the most significant moments are inspected.


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