In our time it is difficult to imagine that once in the movie there was even no concept of "movie about zombies".

In our time it is difficult to imagine that once in the movie there was even no concept of "movie about zombies". However, then there were films about people who, under the influence of voodoo, do not control their actions and obey the master. Those films about zombies came out rarely and did not really have success among the audience. Then no one thought that an unknown infection could suddenly fall on the world, which would turn people into walking dead people. But then a certain George A. Romero came up with his partner John A. Russo plot about the invasion of zombies. It is worth noting that the plot has changed many times, but the final version of the script, it is about the invasion of the dead, was very successful.

Now the plot of the tape looks typical for this kind of films and classical. Several people unfamiliar to each other are locked in a lonely house in order to survive and survive the night, and there are no other people around except strange creatures. The most interesting is that the film itself carries a sort of sociological subtext. People are so cruel and ridiculous, and what will happen if the apocalypse suddenly catches up ?! Here the ending gives an accurate answer to this question.

I saw a few movies about zombies from the same Romero in my childhood. I really liked them. They are very scary and scary, and even now, if I revise them, I'm still scared. George A. Romero shot great horrors about zombies with their frightening atmosphere. It was after his films that I loved this sub-genre and therefore long ago added it to the list of my favorite figures of cinema. Even ashamed that the very first picture - "Night of the Living Dead" - I looked only today. Actors played in the movie well. But for some reason I remember most of all S. William Hinzman, who in an episodic role played the first zombie.

The result: the brilliant creation of a great director and an unrivaled master of films about zombies. I recommend that you watch the fans of horror films, classics, and just a good movie. A film that will be clearly remembered for a long time.

9.5 out of 10


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