"Massacre in the supermarket for all times - the dead go ..."

“Dawn of the Dead” is a film that any self-respecting movie fan knows, not to mention zombie fans. This is without exaggeration the cult "thrash" of George Romero, the master of this trend, in a good sense of the word. That is, like many horror stories about the living dead of that time, this picture is even more amusing than scary. But the scale of what is happening and the imagination of the creators are surprising to this day. Well, when a few funny or scary ghouls attack a bunch of people in the house, as it was in Romer's “Night of the Living Dead” by Romero. But in this “continuation”, 10 years later, everything turned out to be as much bigger and cooler as if to compare the second Terminator with the first.

The action was transferred to a giant supermarket, the zombies became many times larger, and the film from horror turned into a kind of action movie. When it is more important not the fears of the main characters in front of the revived corpses, but how beautiful and inventive they will deal with them, using all the means at hand. There is such a wonderful game Dead Rising, which was made in the exact image and likeness of this film. There are hundreds, if not thousands of ways to exterminate zombies, and no fewer of them in the frame. And the fact that in 1978 you could only see at the end of the first decade of the 21st century can be felt literally in your own skin, if you launch such a toy from a projector and surround sound in a dark room.

The Dawn of the Dead is as unique as Peter Jackson's Bad Taste and the Living Carrion. It is evident that the authors are not only masters of their craft, but also the most devoted fans of the genre from the very beginning. We tried to fit in one movie all the previous experience of the genre. Here and the sudden attacks of the bloodthirsty ghouls, and their huge awesome crowds that inexorably pursue a handful of survivors. And last but not least, a very decent action, here they shoot, blow up, drive motorcycles and trucks, literally smash the supermarket into pieces. Saspensa is almost gone, and for the 139-minute zombie horror in this case is not critical. On the contrary, “The Daybreak of the Dead” of the 78th brought a lot of new things to the development of the genre, it was at that time that these horror films demonstrated new, frightening monsters and interesting action.

It can be safely put in one row with the best works of the studio "Troma". And for many, this is still the best zombie horror movie (or zombie action movie, parody, whatever you like!) In principle, which was released in several versions. Almost three hours of zombie mayhem - this is not a joke. Even an excellent remake of the beginning of zero can not be compared with that! Do not in any way ignore if you have not yet looked. Lyapov and nonsense, of course, is also enough, but the overall picture even after several decades is impressive. You know, to shoot such a thing for only 1.5 million dollars, even at that time, is already a real feat. Well, even this can be called a real work of art, if you are crazy about a particular genre.

In my opinion - one of the best zombie horror films (with elements of a parody action movie) in the history of cinema. "Dawn of the Dead" - an unequivocal must see)


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