Adult film in the baby wrap!
While I was sick, I did not want to watch any drama or a serious film. Then I remembered that I had recently copied several films: Reading Thoughts, Prestige, Bridge to Terrabity, and the Ocean's trilogy. And, judging by the opinion of friends, everyone liked “Bridge to Terrabity”. Then I decided to look at him. According to my preliminary data, it was an ordinary fantasy film about children in the fairy-tale world. But no, as it turned out, the film is much deeper, and not quite to say that it was for children.
The film captures from the very first minutes: at first it seems as if this is another film about the adversity of a teenage loser, but it's still interesting to watch. However, soon this guy has a girlfriend who is also not particularly respected in the school environment. Tired of the constant ridicule of their peers, they decide to create their own fantastic world of ogres and elves, where there are no notorious classmates.
Watching all this, there is a desire to create something similar with your own friend. After all, living in a fictional world is a kind of escape from the problems of life that you get from day to day. But back to the film. I will not tell the whole story, but I will only say that after the final I almost cried, I took it so hard. The ending touches to the depths of the soul and makes you think about the justice of the aunt of fate. It seems to me that such an ending is quite cruel, and children will certainly cry while watching.
The actors also pleased. There are true moments where young actors noticeably replay, but this is excusable for such films: most importantly, in dramatic moments, the actors show themselves well. I can not mention Robert Patrick in the role of a very strict father. Looking at him, you even forget about the best role of an actor in the shoes of the “Terminator”.
As a result, I can recommend this film to anyone who has not watched it yet. This is a very touching story about two teenagers who wanted to live in a fictional world. And I am almost 100% sure that the ending will touch you too!
10 out of 10
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