He comes from cold space.
Could Ridley Scott believe in 1979 that his “Alien” would acquire a cult status, and even forty years later would be wildly popular? It is unlikely, because everything was born as a normal project for shooting a horror movie. Not quite the usual, the truth - cosmic horror.
On a wave of delight, caused by the fact that we finally traveled to space and, probably, on the Moon, mankind more and more often turned to the dream that we would meet beautiful aliens without thinking too much about the fact that such meetings can turn into a nightmare for us. No other film shows it as impressively as Alien. The main thing, thanks to which he became famous in decades, is a terrible atmosphere of a thriller, which is difficult to repeat. Waiting for the murder, which is about to happen, is not so easy to convey. But Ridley Scott conveyed, for which honor and praise to him.
But we have to admit that another person played a great role in the creation of the film, without which, perhaps, there would not have been this tense atmosphere - the Swiss artist Hans Giger, whose drawings are imbued with frank eroticism, which someone will like, and for someone It seems very perverted. Every artist dreams of appreciating and glorifying his work, and Giger’s dream came true - Scott personally invited him to participate in the creation of scenery for the “Alien”. It's hard to imagine how happy Giger was. And we must pay tribute to him - a chair with a space engineer, a compartment of a ship with xenomorph eggs, the ship itself and xenomorph itself turned out to be amazing, especially by the standards of authenticity that was in 1979.
The credibility of the film is given by characters, among whom there are no brave heroes, but there are hard workers, who are familiar to most viewers, carrying ore reserves on a spacecraft. And as it is popular in our time, the theme of a government conspiracy is raised in “Alien”, the priority for which is the preservation of the alien organism. The alien is terrible, but true aesthetes will be able to find in it something beautiful, like Ash and the director himself, who many years later will remove prequels filled with sincerity and real admiration for imagining Giger many years ago.
There are not so many actors who have acted in this film, but the director has approached their selection with great care. Tom Skerrit, Ian Holm, Sigourney Weaver and a few other actors made every effort to create authentic images, resulting in the fact that the film was acquired by a great many fans. Only slightly grieves that in the future, the main heroine of the franchise became Ripley, and not Lambert performed by Veronica Cartwright.
"Alien" got several sequels, crossovers with the Predator, prequels and, of course, a bunch of imitations, none of which could surpass him - a sure sign of the classics to which this film is already ranked. Of all subsequent thrillers, only Descent can compare with “Alien” in terms of the feeling of hopelessness. Films like Alien and Descent are not released every month, but every few decades. Or maybe even less. Any self-respecting connoisseur of fantasy, horror, and thrillers is obliged to watch "The Alien." Highly recommend.
10 out of 10
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