The road to the beloved
“Cold Mountain” is a historical, costumed, military drama of 2003 by the beautiful director Anthony Minghella. With an impressive budget of $ 79,000,000 million, the movie turned out to be a delightful gift for those who love historical, military melodramas. I really like this movie. He was filmed with dignity, and his story touches the quick. In addition to the quality of filming in the picture there is a gorgeous composition of world actors with a capital letter, so this picture and looks so happy.
We see a civil war in the United States, a hard and bloody time. One American Confederate is trying to get from the front to his beloved, who lives thousands of miles on Cold Mountain in North Carolina. He walks on foot, and his journey is full of dangers, horrors of war and devastation. His beloved, after the death of his father, is trying to survive, and if it were not for one vagabond, the lady would not have survived alone. We see a story of hope, a story of expectation and love ...
The main roles in this picture went to Jude Law and Nicole Kidman. Both are wonderful and strong actor with a great list of different roles. In this film, they both played gorgeous and made up a beautiful, memorable duet. A lot of great actors appeared on the sidelines, but Renee Zellweger impressed me the most. She is an interesting, charismatic actress, and I liked her heroine more than anyone in this story. This film is a pure and exciting present for those who appreciate and understand a truly worthwhile and beautiful movie. This historical film is really beautiful, and over time you can revise it with pleasure. An unexpected, dramatic ending makes this story deeper and stronger. "Cold Mountain" - a movie that I love and with pride to recommend recommend!
Worthy screen adaptation of the novel! A delightful movie!
9 out of 10
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